Our Team

Meet Our Team!

As a growing art studio and stationery store, we have been blessed with some amazing team members who are just as passionate about the vision the Lord has given us! Meet them down below :)

Hey everyone!!! My name is Jada, and I am so honored to be a part of Let Love Be My Motive Studio! I am, currently, a freshman in college hoping to graduate with a bachelor's in biology pre-professional and, afterward, get into medical school.

From a young age, art has been a passion and a necessity when navigating through life. Even when life puts a hold on my art, I always find time to work on or practice to improve my art.

My favorite art mediums are alcohol markers and mixed media. I can do mixed media, paint (acrylic & gouache), pencil, alcohol markers, colored pencils, and handmade crafts. My art style is a mixture of pop art and semi-realism.

Through my art, I try to establish emotions and symbolism to express a story. Because I believe we all have something we want to express, but words aren't enough to do so.

Once again, I am so honored to be a part of Let Love Be My Motive Studio, and I wish so much growth and development for myself and everyone who comes here!


Hey there all my cool cats and kittens! My name’s Coryn Butter (yeah, like the stuff you put on toast!) I’m living in the small town of Glenmora, but I’m from New Orleans, Louisiana. I speak fluent sarcasm and love to make sure people laugh and have a good time when they’re around me! I am a crazy cat lady and I will cat call any fuzzy four legged friend that comes across my path. I’m in full support of art therapy because WOW does it feel good to let feelings out in your art. I absolutely love acrylic and showing others the beauty of acrylic, but I’m opening my world to other medias and learning to love the process more than the end result. I pray that I can glorify God in all that I make being that He created me to create! I’m so thankful that Let love Be My Motive Studio came to Glenmora and is making art accessible to those who may have never thought they could create. The Lord put creativity in every one of us and I want to help you find yours!